Plastic Surgery Blog
Why Do Women Get Breast Augmentation
Published on April 12, 2019 by
Of all of the cosmetic surgical procedures there are to choose from Breast Augmentation remains the number one choice for women. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons report 313,735 procedures performed in 2018. To put that in perspective, that is a 48% leap in cases since 2000. Women have always been body conscious, and the […]
What is Capsular Contracture?
Published on April 5, 2019 by
What is Capsular Contracture? Capsular contracture is a possible complication of breast implant surgery. A breast should be soft, flexible, and drape naturally, even if it is a reconstructed breast that was surgically created after a mastectomy (removal of the breast). If you have saline or silicone breast implants, capsular contracture can cause your reconstructed breast to […]