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Restylane is another hyaluronic acid filler, however unlike Juvederm it is not derived from animals. It can be used in the same way as Juvederm, however each doctor has their own preference and every patient is different. Which dermal filler is best for you will depend is for your surgeon to decide.

People often ask which dermal filler is the best, and the answer is that they are all good for different purposes. It is best to view them as tools to be used for achieving a certain effect, and while one practitioner may prefer one set of tools, another will use a different approach. The key to look for is how good is the finished result? It is the finished work of the artist that we end up seeing, not the tools they used to create their image.

Your Restylane will be administered at Dr. Sofia Kirk‘s office in Jacksonville, FL.

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons member




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As with all cosmetic procedures make sure that you shop around until you find a practitioner that you feel totally confident and comfortable with. Be certain to see plenty of before and after pictures for Botox, Sculptra, Juvederm or other dermal filler treatments done by the practitioner you are consulting. If they are unskilled or inexperienced it is you who will have to see the results in the mirror each day, you owe it to yourself to use the best plastic surgeon you can find.

Some people assume that because injectable procedures are quicker they are easier to perform but it takes a truly artistic touch to be able to read a patients face and assess what changes will work for them to enhance the natural beauty that is already there. At Posh Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville FL that is exactly what we strive to achieve.

Dr. Sofia Kirk and Nurse Practitioner Colleen Berry both have a naturally creative talent and an eye for beauty, and in bringing these qualities to their work they help each patient to achieve a perfectly natural look rather than the generic ‘worked on’ look that is so common with women who have undergone cosmetic enhancement these days.

After all, who could intuitively understand a woman’s need to feel beautiful better than another woman?

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