Microneedling is a non-surgical skin treatment used to reduce or eliminate common blemishes for smoother, clearer skin. A topical numbing cream is used to minimize discomfort, and patients typically return to their daily schedules immediately after the procedure. The rejuvenating effects of microneedling can be seen when treating conditions such as:

  • Minor wrinkles and fine lines from aging
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical and injury scars
  • Age spots (liver spots)
  • Stretch marks
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea

Whole Patient Microneedling Therapy at Posh Plastic Surgery

If you’re interested in microneedling in Jacksonville, FL, choosing Posh Plastic Surgery has multiple advantages. Microneedling is a highly versatile therapy that can be performed on almost any area of the skin requiring treatment, not just the face. Our medical director, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sofia K. Kirk, and her fully trained staff are proud to offer many non-invasive, minimally invasive, and surgical procedures to fit the diverse aesthetic needs of our patients.

During your initial consultation, we’ll review your medical history, allergies, and other patient-specific details to find the right cosmetic treatment for you. We take the time to listen to your concerns and create a comprehensive and effective treatment plan. 

How Does Microneedling Work?

Using a Dermapen® device or dermaroller tool that contains multiple tiny needles, a series of micropunctures are created through the epidermis (top layer of skin) and into the dermis (layers underneath). These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s wound-healing response and collagen production in these targeted treatment areas, a process known as collagen induction therapy. 

Collagen is an essential protein building block necessary for dermal tissue generation and rejuvenation. As we age, our body naturally reduces collagen production, which can cause wrinkles to develop or lead to loose and sagging skin. By encouraging the body to create more collagen, microneedling can help reverse the effects of aging for smoother skin texture and less noticeable scars.

What is a Vampire Facial?

A vampire facial combines microneedling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma). PRP is found in your own blood and contains regenerative properties, such as essential growth factors and nutrients. To obtain it, we simply take a small amount of blood and run it through a centrifuge to separate its different components.

We can then administer the PRP into the micropunctures that were created during microneedling. This supercharges collagen growth for an even more robust bodily response.   

Can Any Other Products Be Paired With Microneedling?

A microneedling session is an excellent time to enhance the skin with other important serums and medicating products. For example, we may recommend adding Vitamin C or topical tretinoin.

How Long Will My Microneedling Results Last?

After you finish your microneedling sessions (usually three, spaced about four to six weeks apart), you should see significant improvements in your skin’s appearance. For conditions like scarring and stretch marks, the effects are meant to last indefinitely. With wrinkles and fine lines, patients may opt for follow-up treatments in the future as the aging process continues.

Contact Us to Learn More

Collagen induction therapy via microneedling can be a convenient way to obtain smoother, blemish-free skin. If you’d like to know if microneedling is right for you, contact Posh Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.