Laser Skin Tightening

Conveniently located to serve Jacksonville, FL

Skin Tightening by Posh Plastic Surgery

Skin Tightening – Near Infrared (780-950nm)
The Alma Harmony skin tightening hand piece treats conditions of loose and sagging skin caused by aging, especially around the neck, eye and facial area. By penetrating deep into the dermal layer, it creates a firming of the tissue through two processes. Firstly, it causes shrinking of the collagen which tightens the tissue beneath the skin and secondly it causes what is known as micro-thermal injury which simulates repair and regeneration of the dermal layer without damage to the epidermal layer of skin. A series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart can create tighter, fresher looking skin with virtually no downtime.

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Causes of Loose Skin

There can be several reasons why patients develop loose skin. Aging is one of the biggest contributors. Collagen protein and elastin protein in the skin tissue keep skin elastic and taut. With aging, the production rate of collagen and elastin declines, leading to sagging skin.

With reduced elasticity, expanded skin is unable to shrink back down adequately. Because of this, losing a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time is a major factor in the development of loose skin. Pregnancy has been known to cause this issue to occur, as well, and it’s not always contained around the abdomen.

Certain types of illnesses can also result in loose skin, as can the treatments for these illnesses. Regardless of the cause of loose skin, Alma Harmony skin tightening is available to reverse the problem.

Good Candidates for a Skin Tightening

Patients who want to restore firmness and tightness to drooping loose skin without undergoing surgery are the perfect candidates for skin tightening. Patients must have realistic expectations and should also be in good health.

Too much drinking or smoking could have detrimental effects on the benefits of this treatment. Patients who have recently undergone surgery and are still recovering must heal completely before proceeding with this treatment.

Dr. Kirk and staff have been the complete package for me. They’ve been honest, courteous, personable, professional, knowledgeable, but most importantly, they’ve delivered the results I wanted. 5 stars, A++

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Your Consultation

In order to undergo skin-tightening treatments, patients will need to first schedule a consultation. During this consultation, the details of the treatment will be explained. Patients will need to answer questions about their health, medical history, and expectations.

If patients have any questions or concerns regarding the treatment, they can bring them up at this time. Topics like the cost of the treatment can be discussed, as well as the proper ways to prepare for it.

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Skin Tightening Aftercare

Skin tightening involves no long recovery periods or downtime. Patients can simply come in for treatment and return to their regular activities right after. Additional details for caring for the affected areas are available for patients upon request.


How Much Does Skin Tightening Cost?

The price of skin tightening with the Alma Harmony laser varies depending on a variety of factors. Cost is affected by the total number of treatments needed and the patient’s cosmetic goals.

Preventing Loose Skin

Loose skin is an issue that everyone has to deal with eventually, but people can take a number of steps to delay it. The first step is maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Nutrients are used by skin cells to help them stay in the best possible condition. Nutrients are also used for the production of collagen and even when shedding older skin cells.

Regular exercise is another point to consider, since it improves blood flow and the immune system. Finally, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and avoiding stress would be recommended.

Your non-surgical skin tightening will be performed at Dr. Sofia Kirk‘s office in Jacksonville, FL.

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons member

Contact Us to Find Out More

Please contact us today if you have any questions about skin tightening in Jacksonville or would like to schedule a consultation at Posh Plastic Surgery. We will build the ideal treatment plan for you in order to help you achieve smoother, more radiant skin.

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